I'm 16 years old and my father hurt me tonight. I can't stop crying and I need help.

What he did was an overreaction for sure. You were rude and disrespectful and got a flogging for it. Fair? No. Life? Yes. It is common place in this world unfortunately. It might not be right and it might not be legal but it happens all the time. You would get the same thing happen in many life scenarios. Try being disrespectful to some drunk people for confirmation. Don't forget to show people respect or at least civility even if you think they don't deserve it. Remember that you can only chose what you do. You can't control other peoples actions. This world is not ideal, don't forget that. Hitting people is not nice and is illegal but it happens, especially when someone is being a smart ass. I don't condone your dad's behavior. It's not your fault he overreacted. I had stuff like that happen to me from my father dozens and dozens of times as a kid right up until I was a teenager. As soon as i could fight back i was out in my own. Some people are just abusive. For that reason I don't see him and I don't let him see my babies either, ages 5mths f and two boys 2 and 3. I don't see most of my family because no one stepped in to help over the years. I certainly don't abuse my kids like that either because I went through that. You learnt a lesson here and remember that other people are far worse than your dad. You might not get out alive next time in a different situation. Sometimes you have to walk away. That being said you do need to get in touch with social services and make sure you are safe. There are support networks available to you. Perhaps you can stay with a friend or relative. Any way this goes people need to know why you need help. Don't be ashamed and don't let people blame you for you dad losing his shit. Be pro active and don't wait for help to come to you. Focus on your future and move forward with your life. Despite all the assholes there are plenty of good people in this world. Surround yourself with these people and ignore the rest. You can take control of your life now. I was on my own when I was 16. You will be ok.

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