this is why i'm accident free in Calgary since moving here in 1999

I think an important skill to develop as a driver is learning to predict what other drivers are going to do.

For example let's say you're in the left lane on a two lane street, there's cars beginning to merge into the right lane forcing drivers already in that lane to adjust speeds. I fully expect one of those cars to bolt over suddenly into my lane to avoid slowing down. Always ease off the gas just a bit in those situations and it's saved me being cut off hard on multiple occasions. (Only cut off softly instead?)

Also always paying attention to your mirrors. Constantly giving them a glance every few seconds. There's this stupid prick in a green truck (plate # pxh-970 if you're reading this you retarded fuck) that likes to speed, cut people off, tailgate... You name it, every morning on Blackfoot/17th EB then up Barlow N to about Sunridge way. Anyway, I always notice him coming just by constantly paying attention to my mirrors so I'm always prepared to have him go flying by me then jerk his vehicle over into my lane with no signals. Also prepared to drop my speed if he happens to be stuck behind me just to piss him off cause why not, right?

But anyway yeah, predicting what others will do ahead of time and always watching those mirrors, not just what's going on in front of you.

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