I'm being bullied at work. How should I deal with it?

For documenting it, just a diary keeping a record of what they did and when is a decent amount of proof. Screenshots can help. Also, if you decide to confront them directly, remember to be professional and don't sink to their level. Another big thing to remember that helped me is "dont let other peoples insecurities become your own insecurities". Their bullying reflects ONLY on them and not on you in any way. One thing I've really noticed about bullies is that they try to force their own fears and insecurities onto others. For example, I knew a guy who called me crazy, unfaithful and stupid. To me, it was more weird than distressing because I'm pretty far from being any of those things. And the things he accused me of reflected his biggest insecurities; he was literally "crazy" (schizophrenic, hallucinations, former inpatient in a mental health ward) and not the most intelligent (thought astrology and astronomy were the same thing) and unfaithful (used prostitutes). In your situation, the main thing that stands out about these bullies is how cowardly they are: they're ganging up one individual. So they subtly make you feel like a coward for not risking escalation and your job by confronting them. They also seem to fear being socially ostracised, because they're doing the whole in-group/out-group thing. So they make you feel ostracised. Try not to internalise their own insecurities they're trying to offload on you, and create a self-perception that's not defined by their ridiculousness. Remember that its not your fault that you're targeted; all sorts of people get targeted by bullies; with all the people I've seen get targeted by workplace bullies I don't think I could draw a common thread between them other than they were unfortunate enough to have to work around unpleasant people. Don't let their patheticness define you. It might help to connect with others having similar experiences - maybe try meetup.com (or other places) to look for support groups. You could also look at free community legal resources - they might have an attorney willing to draft a letter to give to your employer. And Usher and Jay-Z have some good advice on this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVp0-STPqYs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz_-VaTHpc8

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