I think I'm bisexual, all my mates are LGBT. Stealth?

Firstly figure out if you prefer to take the lead (do the chasing), or have the other person take the lead (be chased). This is important because you may prefer to take the lead but give out signals that say you want to be chased.

I prefer to chase but will on occasion switch. So I only ever attract and am attracted to girls who prefer to be chased but on occasion, want to take charge.

Secondly, figure out how you like to flirt and flaunt it. The right person will respond positively to your signals.

Thirdly, COMMUNICATE. Do not assume that just because you are both women, the other person can just magically read your mind. Plus it's not fair to put the pressure of always guessing what you want on another person. Don't be afraid to tell people what you like and how you like it. The more you know yourself, the easier it is to communicate what you want and your needs. So if I were you, I would see this dating experience as a chance to get to know yourself more first and foremost. Don't look to settle down until you truly feel like you can put up with the mundane crap of that relationship for the rest of your life.

Finally, just have fun. People who are open and bubbly and friendly attract more people to them. If you are introverted please don't think I'm telling you to become extroverted. Nope. I'm just saying be open, if you choose to do that in small doses, it's whatever floats your boat.

I hope that helps. Dating is hard, so like I said be kind to yourself! Good luck.

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