I'm a Chef, trans and have some questions.

I've worked with two different people who were transitioning from male to female. Right now, my chef is one of the butchest fucking women I have ever known in my life. To be completely honest with you, I'm not sure if she used to be a guy. (TBH, I'm just a bit self-conscious around her because my moobs are bigger than hers... but that's another story) But to me, it doesn't matter, she does a fantastic job.

To answer your question, fuck people if they give you a bad reaction. It reflects more poorly on them than anyone else. I don't remember anyone giving the two trans people a hard time. The older woman (who was a dishwasher) used to be a man and had three kids. The questions my sixteen year old self had for her wouldn't be things I would present nowadays. (this was several decades ago) The second person used to be a childhood friend of mine. It just surprised me that he decided to become a she but didn't affect how I felt about her.

Now, for my current chef. One thing I've seen that has disappointed me is the reaction from some of the underlings because of her sexuality. I'm not sure whether some of the guys are intimidated by her, or just don't want to listen to a female, but it doesn't matter. If they're not with the program, they sure as fuck don't have to work at our place.

I think for myself, even though I was raised in a very tolerant environment was the questions I had. When I was younger, I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that both of the trans people became women but still dated women. I thought that, hell, you already have the parts that fit, now you're getting rid of them? But that was about the only thing that I had difficulty accepting. It wasn't that I wasn't accepting of the person's choice to become a female, but I really wanted to try and understand why a person would want to do so. Over my years, it's become more clear to me that many people in this world truly feel like they are not who they should be. So, if they choose to become who they want to be, more power to them.

You're going to garner a lot of curiosity. Don't take it as bad, take it as a chance to provide a learning experience for those dummies (like my younger self) who simply couldn't wrap their heads around this.

Bottom line is simple: If you're good, it ain't gonna matter. And fuck the haters if they don't accept you. PM me if you want to talk more about this in more detail.

/r/KitchenConfidential Thread