I'm sick and tired of these so-called "progressive" ideas for how men are supposed to "help" women.

Whenever you are in a group composed of only men (whether it’s social, work, church, or whatever) ask yourself why there are no women present. Then ask out loud why. Force an honest answer.

Oooo I can answer this one! I have a bunch of places in my life where there are no women.

Okay, first is WORK! There are no women where I work, because it's too difficult and dirty and doesn't pay well enough or give them enough breaks. Also women earn 70% of college degrees now, and nobody with a college degree would be caught dead where I work.

Second is CHURCH! Well, I'm an Asatruar. Women tend not to be Asatruars because most women are statistically Catholic instead. Catholics have a great track record for equality compared to pagans, right?

Third is SOCIAL GROUP! I'm not very social with anyone, but I honestly can't find any hobbies with very many active women. Archery, hiking, libraries, art classes, etc. Can't find many women anywhere except the mall. Maybe the only thing they like is spending money. Either that or art classes are just completely overrun with rapists. Idk.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread