I'm so sick of trans women invading lesbian spaces

OP has left a bunch of comments saying shes a lot less likely to support trans groups going forward. In replies OP clarified and added on, said it also had to do with bone structure, and trans women not looking like women, and that maybe shed want to date someone who had a more feminine bone structure, but wasnt sure. Beyond that, OP doesn't have to date any individual woman, but in clarifying why she doesn't date this type of woman, she revealed her answer to be (suprise) transphobia, and misogyny. Also, idk how to tell you reducing down sex and your partner to their genitalia is weird like?? and That people are thinking about this and are stressed like it's some huge prevalent thing is ridiculous. Trans people where I live (often touted to be a liberal city) often don't feel safe going to the store, and this person is sincerely concerned about transwomen invading womens spaces (that they should be a part of anyway). What this post is, is a bunch of people trying to create a place where they feel reasonable airing their transphobic concerns, not a genuine problem in OPs life.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent