I'm thinking of creating a new Reality / TV / online reality show and looking for people interested in auditioning.

explaining that huge gap is in the works.

I'm not successful by your standards, I'm successful by my standards, I accomplish what I set out to accomplish. Again, you are missing a huge gap

I'm happy to see you are on reddit just to post your opinions and not really have anything to back it up with, I understand the concept. Because you offer your perspective on a project you lack huge information you also give out bad advice. You don't understand our systems are a bit dysfunctional, that means they are not resulting it's intended results. Example justice system is designed to result a just society - Calgary Alberta doesn't have a just society reflected by it's level of poverty and homelessness given this is a wealthy province. I'd say all those wealthy educated people we tend to listen to are guiding us down the wrong path - why? Because they were educated in a dysfunctional education system taught what to think not how to think. It's like going to school to learn economics then use that education to design education system so no one can afford it but they will beg to learn how to make things affordable and stupid people go to them for advice lol. It's actually comical if you comprehend the bigger picture. which one of those highly educated people predicted oil prices dropping? People like you called me crazy when I could see it coming. It's not hard to predict - a dysfunctional system that is designed to result dysfunction - sorry but it will always always result dysfunction - not rocket science. So the big debate is how "it" works cause people like you keep telling me "IT'S" works while it's not really working for me. "IT'S" only working for those who benefit off a social problem, "it's" not working for all those random people you don't want to hear from but I do.

You are smart enough to find me on the internet, I trust you know a little bit about system design. I trust you also know a little bit about problem solving and know all problems are nothing more then a lack of information. All those random people suffering from flaws in our systems need a voice, they have information needed while redesigning all our systems. All those highly educated people THINK they have all the information needed to solve a problem yet they lack the ability to receive all information regarding a problem because they think they know it all. I want to debate with others what a justice system looks like, I'm not happy with the current one we have and I'd like to participate in a conversation. Since there is no conversation happening, I'll start one myself. If I can push your buttons, trust me I can push buttons with allot of other Canadians, but it's only a perspective that I'm willing to be wrong about. You learn more by those you disagree with over learning from the same people saying the same thing day in and day out.

thank you for recognizing you are in fact a dickhead - you didn't need me to tell you that. When you judge others it's like looking into a mirror and seeing your own reflection - you give away all yoru flaws every time you judge others - you have a tell. You also are one of those people who believes the world WORKS the way you think it should work, YOU ACTUALLY THINK SOMETHING IS WORKING lol I'll agree something is working, it's working to fail. I bet you think oil prices are working too lol.

/r/Calgary Thread Parent