Insane Betsy DeVos Press Release Celebrates Jim Crow Education System as Pioneer of "School Choice"

but her emails

This is nothing but a deflection that ignores the fact that she is a criminal.

he's skipped the correspondent's dinner.

Who actually cares? He's not interested in hob knobbing with elitists like every other establishment politician. This is part of why he was elected, he's an outsider so why are you now shocked he stayed outside?

accurately labeling racists as racists?

That's a broad brush. I've been called a racist because I want a wall on the border. Wanting a secure border isn't a race issue for me, it's a preservation of America as we know it issue.

It's not just racist either. It's sexist, xenophobic, gay bashing, anti semetic, etc. Your insults didn't stop at one.

Clinton made actual sound policy promises.

If you ask literally anybody who doesn't follow politics what Hillary's platform was you'll get a blank stare. Her policies weren't very sound either. She was pro TPP until it was clear Americans don't want another globalist job killer bill passed. She would have signed that in a heartbeat if given the chance.

She also admitted she gives a public opinion in public and a private opinion in private and those aren't usually the same. In other words she says what she thinks people want to hear, not what she actually means.

Nobody in America trusted her and even Reuters polls had her the #1 most untrustworthy candidate that has ever ran for office.

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