[IP] The Metal Tree

The Metal Tree:

Tan crusted feet propped themselves on one other As the boy eased himself on a soft copper root Warmed and finally relaxed he closed his eyes Thinking of his mother's pie

When he got home he would ask for not one but Two slices And when his bouncy baby sister complained He would stick his tongue out at her

So tall the tree he laid on Bending Welding to stifled wind

*His father and he should go out Fly the kite when he got home from work The wind was so rich and soft today And orange would look so nice against the blue sky *

It was the pinnacle of man's achievement But at some point, it wasn't enough They just kept building
Building till there were no more trees

The boy just came here to rest though To lay under the force of man's might To rest

When he gets into bed tonight He must remember to say I love you To his family He always forgets

When the sun moved letting shade creep onto the boy The boy was dead Bloated and cold A red rash bleeding from his throat to the red copper root

It was just a hunk of metal Twisted Now a metal tree

Where metal met the man And man met his end

/r/WritingPrompts Thread