I've recently become convinced of the ethnic nationalist argument for Europe. My problem, and the problem of many other Americans, is that I am half jewish half polish/german catholic... America is so far down the leftist "melting pot" road that I don't see how it's possible here.

That isn't my argument at all. We are all trailing this massive history of genocide, slaughter, and plunder.

But here we are. And we have to act now, based on current circumstances. And those circumstances are that the white European races a crown jewel of humankind. That their genetic legacy has spawned a beautiful egalitarian intellectual culture of democratic values and Kantian universalism. They deserve their countries because we are making that decision today, in full consciousness of the social psychology relating to ethnic conflict and the history of violence.

I take no "historical" offense at the actions of the subversive Left, nor do I for the hunter gatherers that came and populated Sweden 40 thousand years ago!

It's purely a question of "what do we do right now"? Now that it's come to our attention that this sort of thing can no longer continue, just for purely pragmatic purposes in our own lives, we have to do something with the situation we were dealt no?

I am making an argument to preserve what little of western culture/ethnicity there is left in the united states, keeping it sacred as our founding myth. It's important that our founding fathers were of the British Liberal aristocracy. I don't think the fact that America has gone from 90+% white to less than 66% white in a few short decades is something people have thought through, but now we are thinking it through, and it's being reflected in our political process.

Long story short you are completely mischaracterizing my argument as a yearning for the past. It's not, it's merely a desire to articulate a course of action in the present, dealing with the circumstance we are presently facing (massive unprecedented 3rd world immigration into white European societies).

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