I've wasted my goddamn life and it's too late to do anything about it

Hey there, I don't particularly want to say my age, but I can relate to a LOT of the things you've written. I feel as though i've missed out on certain things to do at certain ages and much of the time I still mentally feel like a young teenager.

I'm oddly fascinated with bars and other "grown up" spaces since I've never set foot in one and keep thinking I don't belong there, that I'm just a stupid kid even though I've been of legal drinking age for nearly a decade now. I'm also really fascinated by drugs. I mean, I'm not beating myself up for not having a meth or heroin addiction but weed seems so benign and it seems like everyone and their literal mother has tried it yet it seems so completely inaccessible to me.

This honestly describes me so much. I think there are more people than we realize that feel this way. I've never set foot in any "adult" place and i've never been in a relationship. I'm a virgin as well. I feel like i'm past the "correct" age to experiment with drugs, dating and just being a rebel in general.

People sometimes start the best part of their life, later in life. I know a guy who didn't get into a real relationship until after age 35. My grandma got a boyfriend around age 70 and they have been together for many years now.

You sound like a good guy with an articulate mind. You sound like the kind of person i'd love to be friends with if I got to know you. I can guarantee there are people out there in your own town who would love to hangout with you. I honestly don't give a shit what the people I meet have or haven't done in their life. What matters is the person they are now. There are so many people in the world and meeting them is the hard part. You don't by any means have to search for a relationship at this point in time if you don't truly want one.

I think you should attempt to put yourself out there if you want to start forming relationships. www.meetup.com is a decent place to search. Volunteering, jobs etc are some other decent ways to meet people(And of course clubs and bars)

I wish you the best because you sound like someone who deserves it.

/r/depression Thread