Jobs for High school leaver with no experience?

Are you just after a part time job or a career? If you're looking for a part time job honestly don't worry. I assume 'proper stores' you mean things like K-Mart, Target, Woolies etc? If so, those stores don't go looking for people with years of exp and in fact you really don't need any experience to get those jobs at all. Remember - these guys hire students all the time, They'll be more than happy to train you on the spot.

If you have nothing to put on your resume just add anything you can think of. Start by Googling Resume Templates and download a couple that you like. Add a little bio about yourself and what type of work you're after, e.g. "looking for part time work to gain knowledge and experience etc etc".

List things like achievements, what school you went to, what subjects you did, what year you finished, any certificates you received (yr 10, HSC, and tafe, license (Ls, Ps, bike, gun...anything!) any academic awards). Add some qualities about yourself, lie if you need to. Say things like your punctual, work well in teams, good social skills.

Remember to include some skills about yourself too, things like, can play instruments, great communication and active listening skills and anything else you can think of.

Lastly, references and work history. If you have done any previous work even if it was volunteer, work experience, anything, include it! As for references these can be almost anyone. Generally you'd want to leave out family and friends and include people like sports coaches, teachers, old bosses. You can maybe ask your parents to see if you can get their bosses to go along as your reference or something.

A 1 page resume will be enough as long as you include your personal details, a short bio about what you're seeking, list of qualities, list of skills and achievements, interests and hobbies, references and employment history. Remember - downloading a resume template will help A LOT.

If you're after more of a career, look into apprenticeships and traineeships. I dropped out in year 12 and i promise you from personal experience and witnessing this from others, apprenticeships and traineeships are the way to go. An apprenticeship can be up to 4 years and a traineeship up to 2. They're full time jobs in the field that you want to study, you get paid while you learn. Some require you to attend 1 day of tafe a week and others don't. I had to complete these booklets and send them back to the college each month and aside from that i worked 5 days a week 9-5 and learnt way more than i could have ever imagined. Quite a few of my friends are in the same position and have just come out of their 4th years. I know 4 years sounds like a while but you're probably only 17/18 you'd be fully qualified in a field you want by the time you're 21/22 while everyone who went to uni would probably still be studying.

Don't stress too much!

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