Justine Damond death: Police remove white nationalist memorial

I'm not saying "but the children" I'm saying the response to "nazi's" in the US is absolutely over the top when their numbers are nothing compared to gangs. I'm not in a gang and my kids certainly aren't, I just think it's madness that you have people swinging from the rafters screaming to remove any and all nazi's/white nationalists, but gang members have impunity - despite the fact there is an actual gang problem in the US and not an actual Nazi problem. I really don't care at the end of the day, as you said it's the parents responsibility, I just wish there was more evenness in peoples outrage or that outrage being focused on real issues.

I don't see it as nonsense at all, again I'm not on some "but think of the children" campaign here, I'm saying I see people red in the face screaming about how we need to squash nazi's before they grow, but give a pass to gang propoganda. I've been jumped by gangs twice and there are many many active gangs in my area, I have never even seen a Nazi or heard a single person say they like Nazi's ever and doubt I ever well. 99.9% of our country doesn't like them, being against them isn't some noble cause - it's the default position.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - bbc.com