Kansas City protesters blocking a fire truck from going to an emergency call and accusing them of being cops

Even during war in older times, there was decency and respect that no one ever killed the medic or those who tend to the wounded. I mean it’s still bad to go at war, but this was a thing or so I am told. You don’t shoot down a medic plane even during war or a medic ship.

Standing up for wrong is one thing, but blocking an Emergency Vehicle tending an emergency is just wrong. At this point, turn on the water canons and blast these fucking piece of degenerate scum off the streets. You never ever do this shit, if it was your house burning down... it would be on the news the very next day with people crying on how they are racially discriminated even in times of emergency. Fuck off the protestors and rioters. Bring in the military and haul the governors ass off to D.C. Place Marshall Law into affect and see how they do.

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