Ladies raised by Narcissists, has your NParent failed to teach you about your body?

Not period related, but my mom somehow always made it my fault if I was wearing old/worn/unattractive clothes, to the point where I avoided asking for new clothes because that would draw attention to my current clothes and invite a lecture. My mom asked once why she only found one or two bras in the wash. I don't remember how I responded, but she made me feel like it was my fault -- "why didn't you ask me so we could go shopping, have you really just been wearing these dirty bras" -- it took me many years to realize that the appropriate response is "hey, do you not have enough bras? Let's go shopping this weekend." God knows it wasn't easy to ask for bras in the first place when I was 12-13. (Also I was only allowed to buy clothes on sale/clearance so they would wear out so fast. Last summer was the first time I felt like I had a genuinely comfortable and well fitting bra and it made such a difference.)

She also told me tampons are for sluts and ofc no sex until marriage, men are evil was the only "talk" I ever got. Luckily she was good about helping me deal with leaks at least.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread