Let's put e-voting where it belongs: on the trash-heap of bad ideas

Which is why articles like this are so frustrating. r/Australia is vehemently against any change to the current electoral system. Apart from a tiny minority of comments who give plausible reasons for their objection, most simply don't understand that the world is changing rapidly underneath them. They pretend they're "progressive", but they're really just the next batch of reactionary, low-effort conservatives in waiting.

The gist of this author's article is:

With e-voting, a user’s given a login and a pin to vote but even a well constructed IT system would have to have some link to a user and a ballot being cast.

He fundamentally and fatally misunderstands the technology. What's worse, he calls himself a software engineer, so it really is unforgivable that he wrote this piece without consideration for the blockchain. As a software engineer he is surrounded by thousands of peers who have put many years of thought and effort into designing new consensus technologies. The financial industry has adopted (and privatised) blockchain for their own purposes. At the very minimum we deserve a trial of this sort of voting.

/r/australia Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com