Letter to an old lost friend

I know the feels bro. I had a proper scrim team for 6 months, we built some serious chemistry and we'd play all the time. I had a lot of capital from my job and backed the team (paying for servers and ESEA accounts etc) and the owner of the team and I were in talks of investing in a gaming house together and taking the brand forward. Our aim was to get to LAN in the first year together and it was going really well.

I'm 25, the rest were 17-18 and I should have known these brats were just too immature. About a month before we started looking for houses I was going to hire out an Airbnb and we could have a small boot camp in London, would have been fun. The day later they had an argument about my stream and how I was dedicating too much into it rather than the team. Turns out it was just a cover as 3 of them fucked off to another organisation because they were promised T shirts with their names on the back. It's sad to think they could have lived rent free in a house together but chose t shirts. What makes it worse was they didn't read into the offer properly and it turned out it was only a trial for the organisation, not an actual placement in the team.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread