Life after 40?

Wow, I appreciate your honesty because I can relate to this...I have gone thru periods of feeling bitter towards younger women. Somehow I've been able to channel my feelings in a positive direction, like, I try to encourage them and be the older mentor-type figure I didn't have. (I'm not an actual mentor, but you know what I mean?) I have more of a maternal attitude now.

Now I think I understand why some women in their late 40s to 50s were kinda bitchy towards me. Like, I get it, and I was kind of an idiot and a bratt too. But if a couple of those women had given me a help up instead of exploiting my insecurities or weak points, it would've made a difference, I think, and helped me avoid some of the mess that was my 20s (assuming I accepted their guidance).

We need happier, more self-confident, more capable people in the world, men and women.

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