LPT: Teenagers, if you have a toxic friend, cut them off.

Not just friends, but family too. Forgive the length of the following story, but it needs to be told for catharsis.

My sister likes to think I can't do anything without help. Whenever something needs to be planned, she immediately jumps in, makes all kinds of plans without doing much of any consulting, and that's that. Needless to say, this can create rifts..the latest one being my parents who I booked airline tickets and hotel tickets to come and see me were delayed by this last snow storm. My sister jumps in, makes a new one way plane reservation and puts my parents up in a swanky hotel back home. Problem is, the new flight counteracted the old flight plan and the airline-created makeup flight time. So, creative maneuvering on the phone had to be done with the airline otherwise their return flight would've been cancelled and their bags would have ended up nowhere.

So, they get here, she flies in too, and she's expecting me to have reserved a room for her too. Reasonable, except at no point in the past 4 weeks have I ever mentioned to her on the phone, text, email that I had her a room reserved (recall: she insists on doing everything herself). I did ask her a month ago about a room, but she said she'd take care of travel arrangements.

So, we get to dinner, it's mom's birthday, at the table: instant scene. There's crying, she's upset because there's not a room reserved for her, she tells my dad who follows her when she storms out of the restaurant, "make sure alcohol is ready when I come back". When I go out to talk to her, I say there has been no communication about anything involving me getting a room for her...her response? "Did you even pay for ANYTHING? Did you plan ANYTHING?"

In and of itself, it's a temper tantrum from a grown ass woman. Miscommunication happened, definitely, but through assumptions and lack of follow up she found herself without a hotel room for a night...not a big deal..plenty of those around here. But the temper tantrum, the coddling by parents, and then the blaming of me for fucking things up...I was just thinking this morning how toxic that can be to someone's psyche.

/r/LifeProTips Thread