Lurk but don't touch as some brigaders who called me out during a conversation here get theirs. Seriously, observe but don't participate.

And you explain your lack of a basis for your thought processes that lead you to pursue your cowardly course here with what?

What in the world supports you almost rabid belief in your government? I'll tell you. Nothing at all. This sub has zero as a backing ideology for their unchallenged faith. It's just a plain knee jerk collective habit.

Humanity has cured many of it's collective habits in the past thank goodness.

A couple of hundred years ago, it was thought that witch burning was built in to humanity and would never change.

Cannibals were common in some places and that to them was normal. They'd done it forever and would keep doing it into the future.

Later in the 1950's the entire nation thought racism could never change because it was built into our collective psyches . Hatred and fear of homosexuals also was natural and would never change. It was God's way.

By the late 1960's however both racism and homophobia were already changing and now either type of personality trait is reviled.

You'll eventually see that supporting the psychopathic and sociopathic leaders we have today and always have had is completely unsustainable.

People who essentially are afraid of their fellow man, who have little connection to the rest of the human race, are the very people who will do anything at all, whether morally reprehensible or not, are the very ones who crave power over others. so they can protect themselves from them.

When they get that power they have absolutely no limit as to what harm they will allow their charges to come to.

If you essentially hate humanity but you have power over them you have no incentive to keep them from harms way. You bash them together if it rewards your personal greed. All of your decisions are based solely on personal greed.

For that reason we must screen out individuals who lack such human qualities as compassion, conscience, empathy or remorse.form positions of power. Once in control of power they foment ideas like endless war, poisoning the air water and food, destroying sustainability, saturation levels of surveillance and murderous medications. That's the situation we have always had because we had no way to understand what the problem was.

If someone has the power to destroy you, you would prey they had at least a little bit of conscience.

You currently support sociopathic leadership. You'll change or you'll find humanity has no livable future.

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