I’m shocked

Can we be done with muskie soon? He's not even a particularly interesting d-bag. He's kind of a flat liner antagonist and should be written out of the story. We deserve better evil villains.

Come to think of it, all of our bad guys are stale these days. The whole first act conflict is droll and uninspiring to even pedestrian hatred. We need a nemesis worthy of our hero's efforts.

Oh, right. We don't have one of those either.

Uncle Joe? He's a little livelier in his dark Brandon form, but you still know he has to be in bed by 9.

AOC? She does show promise, but still reminiscent of Burtons Batgirl. Sass and spunk, but little spank.

Weekend at Bernies? Interesting premise, but one sequel too many.

Jon Stewart and Michelle Obama? They read the script and did a hard pass.

I'll recant and say we have plenty of conflict, but no star quality actors. The stage is set but it seems the leads have all gone to understudies. Personally I'll just wait for it all to stream.

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