Med Students Still Do Pelvic Exams on Women Under Anesthesia Without Consent

Yeah. I’ve never seen it done at random. But I have seen it done to confirm presence of a tumor or to see a lesion on the cervix that we were going to remove. We also do Foley’s on a lot of the patients, but for some reason that’s not causing an uproar. We also do prostate exam on a male (student or physician) before surgery to confirm that it is enlarged or has a tumor-like growth. Or a rectal exam to confirm that there is a tear or hemorrhoids or whatever we are going to be working on. The thing is, this is standard of care. While it shouldn’t be done without an indication, it’s vital to learning for the medical student when there is a reason to perform it. It’s also vital to confirm we aren’t doing an unnecessary procedure. You never take another physicians word for a physical exam finding, you always verify it yourself. And again, to reiterate, if you go to a teaching hospital, almost every single consent form will have a clause in there that students will be part of the procedure, assisting or performing certain aspects.

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