MFP tip, and general ramble about busy schedules!

I have a 6 year old all by myself, a full time job, and I train powerlifting and eat like it's my 3rd job. I'll share some of my 'tips'.

My base meals are all the same - day in and day out. It makes budgeting money, macros and calories simple.

My weekly shop:

Cottage cheese

Greek Yogurt

PB2/Peanut butter


Loaf of bread/Tortilla/pita

Turkey breast slices

cans of chicken breast, tuna, salmon

Canned pumpkin puree and tomato sauce

non-stick spray

popcorn kernels

A run to trader joes for pre-shredded veggies, spices, pickled stuff in jars and condiments to keep in the fridge at work


Frozen: chicken breasts, turkey patties, tilapia, lean ground beef

Fresh Veggies are purchased with various runs to the grocery store, as it's inevitable with my daughter being in elementary school that I need to make Target/Walmart runs all the time. I make soups with the veggies to mix up the monotony of salads - and soups can be made in large batches and last for days.

Always have protein powder on hand and a couple of quest bars at my desk/gym bag/car

Measuring cups/spoons/small scale set for my desk

The slow cooker is my BFF. As are frozen veggies.

I keep stuff stocked. A can of chicken breast always in my desk, in my pantry. That stuff has longevity and does the job in a pinch, although I know canned stuff smells like cat food and not always the most appetizing. But when you're stuck and have a bag of shredded greens and a can of chicken breast and some mustard, you have a quick, nutritious, low calorie, high protein meal. Sometimes food is fuel, nothing more.

I keep 2 gallons of water in my car, along with extra gym clothes and shoes.

I don't plan for carbs all that much as they always come across my plate in some way shape or form from other people and in the office. I know I am going to meet my protein and veggie goal, and I can take the half twix when offered, or the muffin or whatever may fit my carb macro.

Popcorn kernels for air popped popcorn when I need quick carbs and I haven't been offered anything I want to eat. I love potatoes of all kinds but they can be time consuming to prepare, unless I find small ones and throw them in the oven for an hour. But, sometimes I don't have an hour.

When I have more time, I roast veggies and make stir frys and do all the fancy stuff of a good home-cooked meal. But I'm on the go all the time, so mostly my fancy meals are on the weekends.

A cast iron grill is handy because you can throw your protein and veg on there and have a classy grilled meal in one pan and minimal prep/clean up.

/r/xxfitness Thread