To Microsoft and their new Active Hours Feature

Because anyone with a different viewpoint is a shill

Look, just because you run Linux doesn't mean you can't look at things from a practical perspective... The average user should have less control over the system components so that MS can control the experience to an extent.

Obviously Linux is way better in this way, but for the average user who has a tendency to fuck everything up and not know how to fix it and ends up paying someone to fix it for them, this kind of locking down is actually good.

Why do you think OS X adoption has increased recently? Because Apple controls the experience.

Now, I'm not saying that's a good thing, especially not for everyone. I think they should just have a seperate version you can install with no locks on it... however, what I am saying is that this greatly reduces my headache supporting family/friends' computers, and helps me to not have to worry about keeping them up to date.

Chill out dude, not everyone who agrees with a companies' decision is a shill.

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