MIL and FIL went insane when my baby (their do-over baby?) was born...

While I was in the hospital, MIL/FIL came over and cleaned our house, moved pretty much the entire nursery into our room, and put a million gifts under the Christmas tree. All of this was nice to do, I guess, but made me super super uncomfortable for some reason I couldn’t explain. They had done our laundry and touched and folded my underwear and cleaned up the area where my water broke, which I just wasn’t ok with. But whatever.

Okay I haven't seen anyone else comment on this. So I'm pulling this out.

This is the JN version of a dog hiking up its leg and pissing all over your house.

Did you ask them to do ANY of that? Not "Oh, we casually mentioned XYZ so they assumed..."- Did YOU ask THEM to specifically do ALL of that?

They moved your nursery furniture.

They set up your Christmas tree.


That's creepy as hell! They arranged your house the way they want it to be. And the Christmas presents? This was basically your baby's first Christmas. And they took it over.

I was like, “I’m not sure what to do to repay you for all of this work…” and MIL says “I have an idea…”

Yes, however will you repay them for violating your home during your most vulnerable moment. VLC is certainly a good start.