[Monthly Rant/Vent Megathread] Need to get something off your chest? Do it here!

How tf do you manage the waiting? Like I got in touch with my uni's health service and they've referred me to a specialist adhd clinic, I filled out all the fucking forms and now I'm just waiting? It's been 3 months already, I know it's likely to take 6-12 but I'm just struggling getting through stuff right now, especially with end of semester exams right around the corner this Xmas has sucked, I've got three different jobs to juggle plus revision for exams which are so fucking soon and I'm so overwhelmed I'm failing to make a damm dent in anything and because of the damm waiting I'm struggling to process without thinking about whether or not I've wasted a ton of peoples time with everything and what's taking so long did I do the forms wrong or something it's just a lot. Feel like my brain has devolved into soup and I'm wasting the time that I have by failing to make proper use of it and not saying no to people and shifts I just don't know how to not think about things. fucking hate winter break :///

/r/ADHD Thread