My(25m) friends(25f) BF(26m) won't let me be a part of the relationship even though it's none sexually/romantically and we agreed on it.

I didn't imply that negative behavior like this is due to autism. I stated that this particular bout of negative behavior looks an awful lot like undiagnosed autism. Just like you said, there are non-autistic people who are creepy as hell. There are also autistic people who are creepy as hell. A creep on the autism spectrum would behave much like OOP. I stand by that, while wholly acknowledging that I'm diagnosing from my armchair.

I'm not at all saying that all creepy behavior is due to autism, and I think you're leaping to that conclusion too readily. You can look through my post history and see how many times I've gone to the "I think this person is on the autism spectrum" to judge. I would only say that if I saw my past behaviors laid out so clearly on a post about someone I have no connection with.

I very much think OOP is on the spectrum. Their reliance on past "agreements," their unwillingness for anything about their relationship with the woman to change even when she's entering into a new relationship, hell, OOP's ignorance of his own feelings towards this woman, not categorizing it as romantic involvement but being unwilling or unable to see the dynamic change... That's all ASD stuff.

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