My(39m) daughter (16f) came out today and my wife(39f) cannot take it.

OP, I am 17 years old and bi. I’ve known since I was 12 and I came out at 14. Nothing has changed about my sexuality.

I had parents who were supportive of my future aspirations, and of almost everything I did. It was wonderful until I came out. They treated me with such respect and like I was mature until I came out.

My mom went into hysterics and kneeled in front of me sobbing and bowed down at my feet praying that I wouldn’t actually turn into one of those things. She did this many, many times and I stopped talking to her.

My dad told me I was wrong. A couple months later, I attempted to take my own life. I was struggling with a lack of friends in school, I felt so alone, and I couldn’t trust my family anymore. I was already dating a girl at this point and she was showing signs of emotional abuse, but I had no one I could talk to about it and I developed a severe dependency on someone who insulted every little thing I wanted to do.

This girl discouraged me from trying things, called me a slut for wearing makeup, pressured me into sex, fake self harmed to manipulate me, and various other things.

I still preferred being insulted about the way I dressed or forced to not try out for the school play because I’m embarrassing, than being seen as a freak from people who loved me for 14 years.

All of this became way too much to handle, and I started planning a suicide attempt.

I ended up having a terrible panic attack a week before my plan, so I did something risky and rash, confessed everything, and was hospitalized, and everything ended up fine.

I’m still rebuilding my relationship with my parents though. They’ve apologized countless times and I can say without a doubt that they are amazing parents now. They have done a complete 180, they took me to pride last year, and they’ve stood up to homophobic family friends.

Even though everything is amazing now, I still can’t look them in the eye and tell them I love them or feel comfortable hugging them or any of that because it’s really really hard to move past. I still have panic attacks about it. We now have a relationship based on mutual respect but it isn’t where it used to be.

I really think you’re handling this well and handling this in a way that shows that you are supporting her as much as possible, and that’s amazing and she will probably trust you.

But please do everything you can to not send her to conversion therapy and try not to leave her alone with her mom too much if she is going to be like this. It’s exceptionally difficult to deal with feeling like you’re a letdown for something you have no control over and your wife isn’t having a stable reaction to this right now.

I hope she can get help, and I wish the best for you and your daughter.

/r/relationship_advice Thread Parent