My coworker was a bully-Coworker Story-

I recently had to have a long hard talk with myself about how I deal with this one younger woman at work. Im gonna call her Meg. Meg is 21, Meg is stunning, Megis completely inept.

Says the stupidest shit to customers, has a hard time with the most basic tasks, etc. She's incredibly frustrating to work with and is basically a walking target cause she doesnt even get that 1) you're frustrated with her and 2) saying "thank god you're pretty" is not really a complement. My coworkers (and I, sadly) got into the habit of just straight calling any dumb mistake a Meg, which she takes in great stride.

I had to sit myself down and remind myself that I wasn't the brightest bulb at 21. I didnt have the life or job experience i have now and being a women is hard enough without having older women make it harder.

I get upset when women 40+ act like Im beneath them cause I serve them, why did I feel ok doing it to some kid? For all the stupid Meg comes to work with a smile, on time and does her personal best. Its not her fault that her best isn't where I'd like it to be, she's trying. I no longer call fuck ups a Meg and chide coworkers that do.

/r/TalesFromYourServer Thread