My father passed away and has left me with his car payments. can I declare that he is deceased and let the finance company reclaim the car? (UK)

The rich elites are only gaining in power and domination every day. They already have this country by the balls.

You're even assuming that a peasant population will unite. That they won't remain divided like today.

That they'll crawl away from their pussified, docile office lives of learned obedience. That they'll turn off the reality TV, put away the ipads, and not be placated by a free low-interest-payment iPhone (note: the suffering population is currently placated by Doritos and Iphones and TV).

That one "Revolutionary" or town will stand up and say "UNITE BROTHERS!" and not get gunned down by a paramilitary police force, and than Bob in accounting is going to say "keep your head down, you don't want to get fired, jobs are hard to come by! Be thankful you have your job at Taco Bell, what I always said! Be thankful you have a crappy healthcare plan, what I always said! Don't make waves!" This is the mentality of most of the populace. You will not move them away from this. Frightened pussies. Even the chest-beating 2-nd ammendment idiots. they'll be branded as loons and terrorists and quietly framed for child pornography or terrorism and quietly thrown in Gitmo for a few decades. And most of the US won't care. They'll agree with the government (Yep, those rebels were a bunch a crazy loons ... like those greedy fucks in Baltimore ... and they're on the opposite political team! Good ... those evil fucks... ... where's my iPad 8? The Bachelor is on!!!)

Not to mention 40% of this population is obese.

Game over. We're fucked. Our only solution is to start making political changes now while we still have economic leverage (our labor). Once that is done, WE are done.

And know, hackers aren't going to do it. Hacking is irrelevant when a tank is rolling down your street. The Koch brothers and moneyed elite will turn you into a sex slave or use you as game for a Big Game Hunt, if it comes to that point.

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