My fiance just left me

It might just be because you wrote it, but the way this post is worded, your relationship was very one-sided. You gave and gave to him, and how did he reciprocate? By throwing around false accusations and walking out. That's not fair to you at all. I'm not going to say anything about your age; my husband was 18 when we got engaged and 19 when we got married. Some people find who they are going to be with when they're young, and some don't.

This man was not your soul mate and I recommend you start trying to get away from the idea of one person that's perfect for you. A relationship is a lot of give and take. There are times when my husband and I don't agree on something right away. We have to negotiate to find balance that makes both of us happy. We have had huge fights that have resulted in one of us walking out for a few hours, but we put in the effort to grow as individuals and as a couple from those experiences. You have to put in effort to make a relationship - especially a marriage - work and this guy does not sound like he was willing to do this. I honestly believe that him leaving you now has saved you a much more painful divorce in the future.

It's going to be hard, but please don't try to remain friends with this guy. You need time to heal and move on. I'm sure its devastating because the whole future you envisioned with him is now gone. But do you know what that means? There is an even better future - a future you could never even imagine! - waiting for you. When one door closes, another opens, and when it comes to personal growth and relationships, never settle for less than what you had before. There is something better that is going to come to you. You won't know when, but when it happens, you'll remember this guy as a fond memory that helped you become who you are and get where you are. Everything is going to be okay and you can get through this. I promise. internet hugs

/r/offmychest Thread