My friend's wife.

More than likely

Of course, I could be wrong

In my honest opinion, I adequately left room for doubt. Sure, not all people are uneducated on the topics, but I think it's rather safe to say the majority are. When making a fast comment on Reddit, I don't always feel the need to point out, in any detail, every exception, or even the possibility of an exception. I guess the one thing I am guilty of is assuming people have the common sense to realize that their are exceptions to everything. I assumed not using the word "all" and instead saying "more than likely" would have covered that. I suppose I was wrong.

you assholes

I do like that you automatically assume that I support Bernie, even though I made no mention of giving him any.

To be fair, I would go as far as to say that many of his supporters that think they are in the know about socialism are really just as blind. The conversations I have had with some Bernie supporters often are aware of the basics of socialism, but the extent of their understanding is only in it's modern application. Very few have shown that they have taken the time to study it's past implementation and history. They always strike me as people just as blindly falling in line as those on the right side of the fence.

I get that I might be coming off as a smug ass, but political theory is what I spend most of my free time reading about. For some sick reason, I find it fascinating and haven't been able to stop. For someone in my shoes, the current upcoming election is a magnificent charade of idiocy and lies. Our politicians are so far removed from what we actually need politicians to be doing, that it's a lot like arguing which day care teacher you are going to select to do your brain surgery. Sure, some are more qualified than others, but for many political theorists, our ideals and beliefs are so extreme that seeing people use the words "socialism" when describing Bernie just makes us want to double over in laughter.

Oh, and before I get blasted for making some kind of broad generalization I never made, let me cover my bases.

  • Yes, both sides of the political fence have a minority of educated supporters that know EXACTLY the meaning behind the beliefs and ideals they have.

  • Yes, both sides of the political fence have a majority of uneducated supporters that have NO IDEA the meaning behind the beliefs and ideals they have.

  • Yes, it is easier to just say "many" or "some" than to mention the above to bullet points.

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