My model looking at photos we had just taken

OP it is not bad but try to experiment more. If you just got started then you are off to a good start but don't get complacent with this. Even if you are just doing as a hobby keep on pushing it!

I remember processing in the darkroom for hours to get a single photo after days of photoshoots and complex lighting(you didn't get to adjust as much in photoshop so it had to be good from the go). Today everyone is a "photographer" with an easy pic of a hot chick (and bonus points for the cliche black and white) with a few simple filters(so simple I have a one click solution to apply this exact look to an entire folder or batch of images instantly). Timing is easy now, just hold down the button then come back and pick out the one you like the most later. FFS you don't even need a camera anymore, you can use a damn phone now.

As photography got more accessible a lot more people with much less creativity filled it up with "art" that is about as cookie cutter as it gets. I hate to be the "be the get off my lawn" guy but it really is getting old - we get this stuff multiple times a week on the front page. At least some of his other photos are a little better but they are still the "hot chick" template that is easy to make look good: Making a pretty woman look pretty is not much of a challenge.

Kinda glad I got out a long time ago because it is so oversaturated, so easy and accessible I would have dedicated years and years and years to do what takes the average joe an hour - it would have been a huge waste of time as technology made talent and skill obsolete except for the actual true artists getting out there and making shit you can't make with a phone, photoshop and an hour online tutorial. I absolutely understand all the hate in the darkroom from back in the day - they got replaced with robots. All the old school photographers got screwed!


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