The Myers-Briggs Personality Test Doesn't Actually Mean Anything

My axe for people like you, the dumb and smug and disrespectful, the hooting vandals in the halls of history, is very sharp. And this is not about "reasoned debate". Reasoned debate, in those rare places and times where it occurs, is useful for establishing the truth of a matter; or if not truth, at least some level of consensus between the debaters.

What I object to, about you and your kind, is your smug ingratitude. Your attitude is like that of a teenager who has gotten his mother out of bed at five a.m. to drive him to a concert, demanded she buy him a ticket, and then told her to park around the corner because he doesn't want his friends to see her drop him off. You are exactly that disrespectful and dismissive to your scientific forebears. You're enjoying your concert, and couldn't care less about how you got there.

Or you're like those fucking "libertarians" who think that simply because society exists right now with a functional common language, common laws, and institutions established for our mutual protection and advancement, they personally shouldn't have to contribute anything any more. The corn has been gathered, why shouldn't they feast?

"Outdated" scientists were as smart as you are. (Or a lot smarter, in Jung's case.) They acted on the information that was available to them. They formulated theories and performed experiments. Their theories were as sound as they could make them, knowing what they knew.

The same goes for those thinkers who lived so far in the distant past that we would refer to them as mystics. Paracelsus. John Dee. Isaac Newton. But you people say "Fuck those guys, they were wrong."

You will be wrong too. You are wrong about something. Some fundamental assumption of yours will be proven wrong within the next hundred years or so. Same goes for me. That doesn't make us idiots. It doesn't make us unworthy of respect. It certainly doesn't make us deserve the contempt of some smug little ingrate two hundred years from now, vigorously mashing his downvote button to express his disdain.

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