Need to hear some "holy shit" embarrassing blackout stories

Started drinking again after 4 months off. Was trying to be more “social” went to a bar near my house trying to get laid (don’t know how I could be this stupid). Was at the bar at 8 pm, drank almost a Litre of Smirnoff and Jack, corona for water, a few free beers cause the bartender liked me. Made a complete fool of myself. Made a new “friend”, blacked the fuck out. My new friend drove me 25 km into the Center of the city, somehow made it back to the south side near the bar. I can vaguely remember walking around (saw a movie poster) recollected from that. Passed the fuck out in the metro station for 2-3 hours, walked myself back to my car at 2:45 am drove back home. Lost my phone and my wallet (with my cards and identification). Had my dads tag heaur on me, it was a family piece (thank god I didn’t lose it). Also glad I didn’t fall into a gutter or manhole on the way back to my car.

/r/cripplingalcoholism Thread