The feeling when

How does anyone manage to stop?

Some of the more tormented stories on here make me question how I actually lived through my bender. I was drunk every day, not sober for a single second, drinking a 1.75L every 48 hours, for 6 years straight if not a little bit longer. I was in a constant state of blackout mode for two years before snapping out of it and waking up in another state because I was put there under emergency request. All of the tests they did pointed to me dying within a year. My addiction far exceeded the typical emotional and physical crutch. It was my literal ground and medicine. What kept me sane and gave me the capacity to be excited and really feel things. I was at a point where I rather be dead than stopping, because life without it was nothing. I was forced into recovery and I took 2 weeks during detox to read random books and reflect on why/how I hit the worst downfall imaginable from where I was years before. How almost a decade flew by because I was drinking. I have been sober for a year and in another life, I would do it all over again.

/r/cripplingalcoholism Thread