I need your Alcoholism horror stories!

I was drinking at a bar and kept winning at bar dice. I was with two girls. Each guy kept coming up and trying to buddy buddy me to then take his chance at hitting on them. I took shot after shot and already had a 6 pack of high alcohol beer down before I even got to the bar. I blacked out. The next thing I remember was being stuck in a farmers field on a pipe with my brand new car. I got out to check what was going on and I fell on my face. This is when I think my S20 Ultra fell out. $1400 Then I blacked out. I remember swerving on the highway cars beeping at me. I had a receipt from a gas station about 40 miles south of where I was living. I bought beer and one of those Tornado sticks. I remember it was about 5am when the sun was coming up and I was driving home sitting in my own piss and crying. I got so far away from where I lived and had no idea. I drank that day and called up my mom and told her the whole story. I used Samsung search and found the phone in some random ass country road in a farmer's field.

/r/cripplingalcoholism Thread