Need your help to type me?

This ENTP has better things to do than to read your giant post. Now, maybe a Feeler cares more? has a free test and gives you a neat little chart at the end. Now, I understand that you've done the tests and don't feel that you relate. MBTI is a gradient, NOT a binary this or that system. The chart at 16personalities may help you understand a little better where you are on the scale. Some - hell, MANY - people rate close to 50 or 60% on their traits. Sometimes, people refer to the trait(s) that are around 50% as x. For example, ENxP if T/F is 53/47%.

MBTI is most readily observable in individuals who are very high in their rankings. (I score 90% or better. I don't do ANYTHING half way. [lol, running joke with a friend]) You may not relate because you aren't so stringently one or the other.

Embrace your uniqueness...then consider a test that'll give you greater clarity.

/r/mbti Thread