New video shows United passenger was anything but 'belligerent'


you are a good doctor and a good human being who doesn't violate your ethical vows or you are like this doctor who gets his vulnerable patients hooked on drugs and then trade drugs for sex, full stop.

what is with you people? someone gets treated wrongly, horribly even, and suddenly you defend them against anything, everything.

what is that weird fucking instinct?

can't you hold to opinions at the same time? you can't have someone in your in group and judge them at the same time, can you? they are either a saint and in your in group, or evil dogshit.

what the studies say about you people is absolutely correct.

try to hold these ideas in your mind.

this man will never have credibility in his life again if he claiming something that he stands to benefit from.

he has violated that massive of a ethical commitment to his fellow man.

he also did nothing to provoke that treatment he received from those officers and deserves every dime of compensation he can get out of them and united.

you can't possibly hold those two ideas at the same time can you?

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