Next time a Mormon refuses to look at something they think is "anti-Mormon", show them this quote...

I'm kind of baffled by this religion and how much power it supposedly has over people, especially, or so it seems, on the west coast. Just as baffled as how any religion holds control over people's lives. Isn't it possible to just do good things and skip all the political religious bullstuff altogether? Why does everybody feel so compelled to join a side, when they're all basically hidden political/corporate agendas disguised as  do-gooders? How about just do the right thing and ignore all the dumbass politicians and their supposed subliminal mastermind leaders? Who gives a fuck? They're all basically glorified salesmen/women. Do they have lawyers to eliminate any anti-mormon documentaries? Because, I haven't seen any. As far as I knew, they had an anti-documentary for every religion, be it catholic, athiest, muslim, etc., whatever. They should allow equal amounts of pro and con literature for every single belief out there and not flood the libraries or media with all one-sided views, because they're all just trying to win people over as if life was a giant risk board game. ridiculous. There is no guide to life. If there was, we would have all agreed on one forever ago and stopped bitching at each other already. Personally, I haven't met any mean religious people and if I ever have, I would immediately disregard any of their words, because they're obviously not following any rules from any good book. As political garb is concerned, I lean toward whatever helps balance the world's economy and helps my country the most, because my family and I live here, so why shouldn't I do everything to help it? And religion-wise I side with the martyrs who were trying to help their communities and going around helping everybody. I'd say Jesus seemed liked the nicest out of the rest, but I think Batman is just as awesome. Haha. Everybody should just chill the f out and do what makes them and those around them the happiest, in my opinion.

/r/exmormon Thread