"No Whites Allowed:" Chicago Area High School Hosts Blacks Only Assembly

Nathaniel Rouse, principal of River Forest and Oak Park High School located in Oak Park, IL, was the organizer of of the February 27th “Black Lives Matter” event.

The principal is a Black man. I checked.

“The white parents reported that their students were turned away when they tried to attend the Black Lives Matter event. The parents said they were offended that in a school and community that prides itself on diversity and inclusion that students who wanted to attend would be excluded.”

Diversity means non-Whites forcing themselves on Whites or into White areas, fields, places, etc. Diversity is a one-way street where White people have to included non-Whites in everything they do but non-Whites don't have to reciprocate at all. The reason for this is because diversity is really just a way to call for anti-White policies without explicitly saying so. This story pisses off White America so imagine how pissed off White America would be if non-Whites, Leftists, and social "progressives" just flat out started calling their anti-White policies exactly what they are: anti-White. When White Americans - who haven't done anything wrong or bothered non-Whites - start to realize what diversity means for White people then they'll start to push back. Most White people don't understand that the issue of diversity - if not pushed back on or approached with skepticism - will be pushed more and more upon them until the pendulum swings so far to the other side that we reach a point of no return. We're seeing this already with the fact that we have more non-White legal and illegal American citizens in our schools than we have White students and that in 24 years we are going to have a White minority nation. White Americans don't understand that in our democratic system, once these people are here, there is no way they are ever going to leave involuntarily.

“First and foremost, this is not meant to give a connotation that we were trying to be exclusive. I found it has been far easier for me to talk about my experiences with racism with individuals that look like me. I still struggle myself with talking about my experiences with people who don’t look like me.”

Yeah, but when White people want places and areas in life where they can be exclusive and left to themselves because they feel more comfortable around other Whites then "that's racist!" and we have non-Whites, Leftists, social justice nutjobs, and other brainwashed Whites come after us. White people can have no exclusivity, only non-Whites get to have that.

/r/news Thread Link - buzzpo.com