Not sure when they switched scripts.

Meanwhile Antifa and BLM are not only openly calling for white people to give them their money and to murder all the white babies, but are actively attacking people based on their skin color and/or political leanings.

I see you've already forgotten about all the Dylan Roofs out there, or the trump supporters stabbing muslims, or shooting up mosques, or stopping brown people on the street and demanding to see their papers before throwing them in tent city "concentration camps" in the Arizona desert, or running on platforms of keeping out mexicans and muslims because they don't deserve to be in this country, or multiple times people have attempted mass murder by driving cars into crowds of left wing protestors.

But yeah, burning a trashcan is worse.

Publishing a report explicitly highlighting crimes commitee only by immigrants to show "how bad they are," like Trump wants to do, that's not nazi style propaganda at all.

Declaring all opposition media to be false and starting state run media to make yourself look good, that's fine.

"Waaahhh BLM shot 4 cops!" I can already hear you saying, never mind the number of unarmed black men the cops have shot over the past few years! One time a black guy killed 4 cops! BLM are the real oppressors!

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