Officer Karen has a panic attack because her Egg McMuffin took longer than she expected

Did anything come of this, an arrest or anything?

To me it seems like a really weak case for "Police are actively being poisoned right now." Not only did it happen a decade ago, all the articles from the time I can find talk about an anonymous source claiming it was a deliberate poisoning with "farm poison" at an unnamed restaurant.

The federal Office of Workers' Compensation Programs is not convinced that Moberly was poisoned on the job and has denied his request for compensation.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was later found that he suffered some kind of medical emergency like a stroke, aneurysm or heart attack.

I'm in the UK so if police in the US are being poisoned on a regular basis, maybe I'm just not close enough to see the stories about it. I've just never seen it being reported as a widely occurring thing.

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