Is it okay to drink my calories?

Jesus Christ, /u/Trenks . Ok, let's start from the basics:

What produces rot?

Virtually all rot is produced by bacteria and fungus. Now, notice that neither of these are made of of BLENDERS OR MIXERS. Rather, they are CLUMPS OF SINGLE CELLED-LIFE FORMS. NOT LIKE BLENDERS.

So, what is the difference?

Single celled life-forms, like bacteria, directly interact with their environment. For example, a cyanobacteria (A TYPE OF BACTERIA) may absorb nitrates from the local area, and then excrete oxygen. This may change the way something tastes.

Blenders, on the other hand, tend to simply have a material move through a mix of chemicals in order to mix them. For example, could you imagine having a cup full of ingredients, then you shake the cup gently back and forth to mix them? Now, could you imagine a machine that gently shakes cups at 60rpm? Ok, now you have a blender.

Like, this,

so if you blend it does it change? Atoms? Those are things haha

That makes my eyes bleed. Please never ever, ever say that again. It is totally against how humanity has come to understand atoms.

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