Oklahoma House passes bill restricting marriage to people of faith

So you are willing to speak for the rest of us, yet my opinion (which never said "all" or "everyone") is out? You're the only one speaking for "the rest of us" here.

No, I didn't speak for anyone but myself. "In my experience". What a ridiculous insertion of a nonsensical argument. You asserted "we refer to ourselves as that". Not me.

You aren't willing to go do research for yourself but want me to assure myself of what I've already seen? How will that tell you anything? Oh, and you tell me not to "cheat" by phrasing the question as it is, but you are free to set the parameters of the query?

The point I was making, which apparently is completely lost on you because you're so convinced that I'm offended by your phrasing of "gays" and not by the fact that you decided to speak for all of us, is that you decided to speak for all of us. Are you really this dense?

So really, when I said don't speak for the rest of us, I made very clear I was saying that a lot of us do not refer to gay people as gays, but just "gay people". Therefore the only question that needs to be asked is "gay people of reddit, how do you refer to gay people collectively". The answer to the question "gay people of reddit, are you offended by being referred to as gays" is entirely irrelevant because I'm not even addressing the issue of whether or not it's offensive.

Can you be any more hypocritical?

yawn, see the above. Are we just throwing around words in anger now? How pathetic.

So you don't find it offensive, yet you take issue with it because...some people older than you may use it? You don't find it offensive yet feel the need to support the person who does? Weak, very weak.

Critical thinking might help you out a little here. Honestly you're just seeing what you want to see when I have very clearly stated my issue with you from the start. By the way, disagreeing with you does not imply my support or lack thereof for whatever comment you chose to respond to. I was responding to you and only you. Like I said, clear case of you seeing what you want to see.

I'm sure you'll find more here to rustle your man panties, but seriously, try living life without looking for offense in every damn word. That's not pride, that's being an attention seeking drama queen.

You're trying so hard to convince yourself that I'm somehow offended by your phrasing because A) I disagree with your statement that "we refer to ourselves as gays" and B) I decided to leave a comment.

You're honestly just making shit up now. Now sit down, shut up, and learn some critical thinking skills for the next time. You were out of your depth on this one.

You have a great day as well ;-)

/r/news Thread Parent Link - patheos.com