What's the angriest you've ever been? How did that manifest?

Well about 10 months ago a school that both me and three very good friends of mine. Proceeded to expel the four of us and 3 other kids. Because of an incident with a racist teacher. It started with the oldest of my friends (which I happen to "like"). We had a very outspoken conservative teacher (this was a private school mind you) He would constantly whine about Mexicans and gays and black people. So one day this girl got sick of it. She told her mother and her mom went in there and demanded that this teacher be fired. Which may have been a little extreme, but was nothing compared to what the school did in response. The next day I was the first person there. I would wait downstairs by my locker until the teachers showed up. I could see the front door from where I was standing. Well some of the teachers showed up and some of the other students. And when this girl showed up. The principal stopped her at the door, handed her a bag and told her to clean her locker out. Well we were all shocked and even one of the teachers thought it was a joke. So we are all standing around her as she cleans out a locker she has had for FIVE YEARS. I was steaming in the corner. I walked out the door and walked five miles home. I told my parents and they told me I overreacted. Which I did kind of, I was afraid I would do something I would regret if I stayed at school that day. This all happened on a Tuesday. I went in to school on a Monday after listening to this girl that I liked cry on the phone for hours. So naturally I was a little pissed. But this was just the tip of the iceberg. Not even a half and hour after I got to school, me and another student were called into the principals office. The principal and the head teacher proceeded to interrogate us for the next four hours. They claimed I had threatened the school with legal action. And then they threatened me (A ninth grader) with lawyers. I instantly knew this would end up in some kind of lawsuit. So I held my tongue. I also did my best to calm the other student down and to convince her not to curse everyone out. So I cleaned out my locker at the end of that day. And so did most of the other kids (it was a small school) And two other teachers quit. No ones parents followed out on any legal action and so I still get overly mad when I think about this issue. I gave that school three years of my life. It cause me to become depressed and to abandon my faith. So yeah. It manifested into shit. But I managed to convince half of the congregation of the church that was attached to the school (the principal was the pastor of the church) to leave and remove their kids from that school. By the end of the ordeal they lost 15 students. And 2 teachers.

/r/AskMen Thread