The Only Problem in American Politics Is the Republican Party

"The Only Problem in American Politics Is the Republican Party" - What a load of bullshit. There is a lot wrong with the Democratic party, that is how the swing voters chose Trump over Hillary. When you have a Democratic party that doesn't push with all it's might to get the following things then they are also responsible for the lack of social progress:

  • Free healthcare for all
  • Free public colleges
  • Increasing the minimum wage to a living wage
  • Cut tax loopholes
  • Rebuiild infrastructure
  • End the medical industries price gouging

The democratic party for too long has been happy with slow and gradual social progress whilst it's members line their pockets with contributions from lobbyists. They are complicit with mediocrity and that cost them the election. Hillary didn't even visit every state... she lost swing states she didn't even bother to turn up in, I mean WHAT THE FUCK? Don't give me any BS about republicans slowing down passing of legislation. A savvy Dem could have kicked up a huge public storm and campaigned for more civil rights, the only person I can see doing this at the moment is Bernie Sanders.

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