[OT] Farewell

Many will rejoice at my decision to leave WritingPrompts.
I know my women oriented and LGBT oriented prompts and short stories have been a point of contention, as evinced by the negative reactions to them and the PMs sent to me, attacking me for my identity.
I had considered making a compilation of my ‘best’ prompts to put in this post (from all of my accounts, not just this one) but as I went through my saved stories folder, I felt a profound sadness settle over me and I find myself unable to continue.

Though I comment only very rarely outside of writing stories, I appear to be a universally disliked character who is seen as both abrasive and divisive. The only way I can see of disavowing people of that notion is to leave WritingPrompts – as a sign of contrition and in an attempt to reassure people I am not here to create ‘drama’.

Because if I am no longer a member of this community, I can no longer do it harm.

As trite as it sounds, WritingPrompts has helped immensely in my life – a life which has seen a healthy share of troubles. The catharsis from writing specific prompts has helped lift the pall of depression on more than one occasion.
The creative outlet that this place has provided has been invaluable in helping balance and centre my often broken and misaligned self.
I will miss it intensely, but I will always be able to write, regardless of where I do it.

Before I further emotionally wreck myself with writing this ugly avowal, I’d like to thank those who have left kind comments and messages. I won’t name you for fear of tarnishing your identities in association with mine, but I think most of you know who you are.
I’ll be around reddit, probably hanging out on TrollX, talking about pizza and makeup, or drawing weird things for the Art and Discworld subs.

So farewell.
It was good; while it lasted.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread