I want to come out but I don’t want to lose my family. So I continue to live as a cis man

I 100% would say they were my family and still will be when I eventually reveal this to them. I’m not spiteful and won’t be in this situation because it will just make it a whole lot worse for me and for them. These are the people that raised me when I was a baby up until now. They took me to the therapy sessions for my disabilities, got the help I needed in school, fed me, clothed me, taught me about life, helped me get my first job, etc. Then after I turned 18, they got me clean from substances, helped me get my high school diploma, let me stay with them when I lost my house and were there for every counselling session when I was self-harming and had attempted suicide. Regardless of what anyone says they didn’t have to do a thing for me after I turned 18 but they did. Now, my experience is with friends has actually been worse. I have next to no friends. Every friend I make just sticks around for a couple of weeks and leaves. So essentially I don’t really believe that I’ll meet anyone that can provide a stronger connection than my family. They aren’t bad people. These people essentially saved my life and provided me with a future that I’m beyond excited and happy for.

/r/lgbt Thread Parent